Monday, February 18, 2013

6 Survival skills

Number 1: Attitude
Meet many challenges.
More than any other skill, your attitude determines whether you live or die. To start, first try to consider " The rule of Threes"
a. 3 minutes without air
b. 3 hours without a regulated body temperature ( shelter)
c. 3 days without water
d. 3 weeks without food

Number 2: Shelter
Most people die because they don't know how to built a shelter, or how to find a good place to build a shelter. Find a good shelter is really important survival skill.
Shelter considerations:
a. Location
b. Insulation(From ground, rain,wind, air)
c. Heart source(body heat or fire heated)
d. personal or group shelter.

Number 3: Water
Human is composed of up 78 percent water. Water is really important for human. You should know how to find the water, and how long have to boil water.

Number 4: Fire
Fire is one of the most useful basic survival skills. It can help warm your body or the shelter that you build. It also can boil you water, and cook your food.

Number 5: Food
We have to know how to hunt the food for ourself. No matter is fish or something ease.

Number 6: Naturalist skills
You have to have deep understanding of how to survive in the bad condition weather or wild. You have to know how to care yourself.

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