Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I would like to have less complaining in my life. I really have personal experiences that when the time I have much homework. I won't campaigning in the public area, but I complained a lot when I back to my dorm room. I notice that it makes me set one's nerves on edge. I will feel very different after I finished all my work. I will think back, I shouldn't complain before. I complaining the most is the time is moving fast. Everything as it happens in a flash. Some of the people met a big problem. There was really something wrong from the company. But they are afraid to bring the problem on the surface. Companion to the friends is the easiest way to relieve your's feeling. Sometimes the company was not wrong, you just complain for some personal reasons. When the things are really wrong you should bring the problem on the surface. Companying with the company and argue with them. For instance, your teachers's frequent lateness, it's cause you learn less knowledge form the school. You were complaining about it. As far as I think, you should talk to your teacher directly. No one knows what your teacher will think about you when he or she hear you complaining in the classroom all the time. The best way is to talk to them directly. For me, I think wearing a bracelet will help to remind me to do not complain. When I want to camping I will see the bracelet and do not complain.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Do you believe in luck

I don't believe luck. Because i think anything you have to try your best to  prove it. You could't  always successes  by luck. I don't think some people are lucky than others. Lucky people try harder than the unlucky people. Lucky: Success or failure apparently by chance rather than through one's own action. Or having, bring, or resulting from good luck.  I know a person who are really unlucky. There is a man byt the lottery and won a million dollar. Then he went to Las Vegas to the Casino, he won a lot of money too. There is a another person, who bought thousands dollars, never won any money back.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Shooting an elephant

This story basic is taking about how the Europe white people treated in the Burma. Burma people really hate the White people. The main character is trying to kill an elephant to protect him looks not stupid, or make all the people think this white people looks not stupid.

George Orwell's life
He was born Eric Blair in1903 into an upper middle class  english family. But he was in fact born in India. Then he was sent to Eton for the boy's schools in Britain. After that, he joining the Indian police service and was sent to Burma. That's how his interesting story starts. He totally feel all the issue of Europe society and Burma's society. How can he killed an elephant that he don't want to killed. He worked at private school, bookshop in the next few years.The most important activity for him was write a novels. Describe his experienmence in Bruma, and some other experience in London and Paris. During World War two he also worked for the BBC producing programmes for India and South East Asia.

Burma also known as Myanmar.
Its population of over 60 million. It is the world's 40th largest country and the second largest in southeast asia. There are big human rights problem in this country. For example: rape, child labour, slavery, human trafficking and a lack of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly. Is also a country that rich in precious stones, oil, natural gas, and other mineral resources.
The country was colonized by Britain before, that's why they don't like the white that much. That's why our main character have to killed an elephant fornt of 2000 Burma people. The people their got human rights problems, but the government is trying to solve the problems.

What is stereotype?
Stereotype is a widely held but fixed oversimplified imager or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
Is a relief printing place cast in a mold made from composed type or an original plate.

For example:
There are some traditional holiday we must celebrate. Or in some certain family have to celebrate some special thing.
I think stereotype always in our life. Imagine your mind as the stereoplay back of your computer. This goes for everything in life. I see heavy black clouds and my stereotype says"rain" and i get my umbrella before i leaving the house.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


    We always meet something hard to tackle. Most people gave up when they meet problems. Some of them want to success, keep trying to tackle the problem that they meet. In the story, if i am one of the member of the team on out of the wild. I will miss my family for sure. And i already tell myself:" i cannot do this." "Should i give up now?" a thousands times. But i know what i am doing, and what i am going to achieve. I would never give up. I won't leave my teammates fight with nature alone. I am part of team, and i have responsibility to takle different problems with my teammates. I will tell myself" we are the best!"

Monday, February 18, 2013

6 Survival skills

Number 1: Attitude
Meet many challenges.
More than any other skill, your attitude determines whether you live or die. To start, first try to consider " The rule of Threes"
a. 3 minutes without air
b. 3 hours without a regulated body temperature ( shelter)
c. 3 days without water
d. 3 weeks without food

Number 2: Shelter
Most people die because they don't know how to built a shelter, or how to find a good place to build a shelter. Find a good shelter is really important survival skill.
Shelter considerations:
a. Location
b. Insulation(From ground, rain,wind, air)
c. Heart source(body heat or fire heated)
d. personal or group shelter.

Number 3: Water
Human is composed of up 78 percent water. Water is really important for human. You should know how to find the water, and how long have to boil water.

Number 4: Fire
Fire is one of the most useful basic survival skills. It can help warm your body or the shelter that you build. It also can boil you water, and cook your food.

Number 5: Food
We have to know how to hunt the food for ourself. No matter is fish or something ease.

Number 6: Naturalist skills
You have to have deep understanding of how to survive in the bad condition weather or wild. You have to know how to care yourself.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


There are many these kind of people in the world. For example, Liar or betrayer are these kind of people that always exist in the world. The people who promise something but cannot going to do the things that he promised before. It's definition of the Liar and Betrayer. In my life i have meet a lof of these kind of people. One of my friend in middle school. Try to lie to me, when i find out that she was lie to me the whole time, i was really mad and really sad. My best friend was lie to me the whole time. When you are say one lie to others, you have to say a hundred more lie to help you hide your lie that you say before.  When i meet these kind of people, i find out that i cannot always totally trust others.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The most dangerous game

 Sanger Rainford will be on the place that is not easy to find. We follow Rainford to an island where strange game is being hunted. At the same time Sanger Rainford learns that the General is a very passionate hunter. In my opinion,  Sanger Rainford will use his knowledge kill General. He will win the game at the end. Because he is a famous hunter, he has the knowledge and he know how to use the knowledge on the right way. General Zaroff have a lot of experience. But he think he is the best, never try to learn form others. I think that's a big reason why i think he will lose the game and die at the end. Sanger Rainford will teach a important lesson in his whole life.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The most dangerous game

Character: Is generally the central or focal element in a story.

Sanger Rainsford:
 He is an American hunter who is really like adventure. He also is a famous hunter too. When he is try to find the Island, he falls off a yacht into the Caribbean Sea. (He falling overboard in the middle of the night.) Finally he is survived, but he had swim several miles to try to survived.

General Zaroff:
General Zaroff start hunting when he is very young. He can hunt a bear when he was 10 years old. He is a hunter man from Russia. That's why he had accent when he is talking. At the same time he is very tall and very rich. He also have a lot of hunting experienmence from the past.

"The most dangerous game"is set at tropical island in the Caribbean, and Sanger Rainford try to find the Trap Island in the dark. Some set are during World War I to hunting dangerous animals.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Preparing for and taking exams

As far as i think Preparing for and taking exams are also very important for us. First of all, we should stay healthy. No matter how much works you have, you have to save the time to relax. There is a good way that you can break up the work. Always remember that do not try to do all your assignment or studying everything in one night. At the same time, we have to be organized. Make yourself  a list, what do you want to study today. Then just follow the list to prepare your exams. That is a easy way to do well on your exam if you follow your list. I always do that way, and i can tell hat it is really helpful. Try it, then you can find the answer when you are taking the test. When we are going to preparing the exam, we can try to study with classmates. Having a study group, help each other. Those skills really will help us a lot when we are going to college. Because we know more about how to organize our times and how to studies.

Monday, January 7, 2013

John F. Kennedy

John F . Kennedy address (1961) is well known around the world because that he think about the people and make promise for the citizen of the United State. At the same time, i think this is really good sentence that i want to write it down (ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country)   For pathos: i find on the third paragraph that he say he proud of our ancient heritage) He make people love him and support him.  For ethos: I find on the second paragraph which John F. Kennedy win the trust from the American's people. He know what american people need, and he is trying to help them. For logos: I find on the second page, started at: Let both sides........control of all nations. He used evidence to support his argument.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

My christmas break

I had really great break during the christmas time. I back to China during the break. I spend a lot of time with my families and my friends. Some of my friends who are in China got accept in some good college in China. I feel really happy for them. We go out, have dinner. We also choose one day to go to the kindergarten school to teach the kids how to sing. We enjoyed the time hang out with the kids. I really like my break. I also read everyday. I enjoyed my vacation a lot.